15 MCU Casting What Ifs That We Almost Got

A movie is made by its stars – it’s why the writer can make 50 grand while the main lead rakes in a couple million. They’re who people go to see – the actors who portray the characters become those characters. RDJ said it, “I am Iron Man.” But sometimes, classic roles are almost played by someone completely different. This has almost happened dozens and dozens of times in the history of Marvel films.
What If? opened the door to alternate worlds, alternate heroes, alternate universes – and in some of those universes, everyone’s favorite heroes are completely different people.
Now that the multiverse is open, who knows how long it is until we see all of these faces? All of these people were almost cast in the Marvel Universe, with their casting sometimes having radically different effects on the universe that is now populated by roughly two out of every 10 movies or TV shows made today.
George Clooney was almost the MCU’s Nick Fury

Source: Business Insider
Joaquin Phoenix was almost Doctor Strange

Source: Showbiz CheatSheet
Tom Cruise was almost Iron Man

Source: SlashFilm
Tom Hiddleston would’ve made a wild Thor

Source: Entertainment Tonight/YouTube
The Office’s Jim was almost Captain America

Source: Men’s Health
Laurence Fishburne

Source: Cinemablend

Source: Screen Rant
The Wasp originally appeared in The Avengers and was almost Bryce Dallas Howard

Source: Cinemablend
Hugo Weaving almost stayed in the Marvel Universe

Source: ScreenGeek
Alison Brie

Source: Cinemablend
Edward Norton, the original Hulk, almost returned for The Avengers – and the rest of the films after

Source: Showbiz CheatSheet

Source: Screen Rant
Olivia Wilde and Amanda Seyfried almost were Gamora

Source: ETCanada.com
Emily Blunt was almost Black Widow

Source: Syfy Wire
Wesley Snipes

Source: Giant Freakin Robot