11 Comedians Who Used Their Platforms For Good Causes

Not every big-name comedian is self-obsessed.
11 Comedians Who Used Their Platforms For Good Causes

Welcome to ComedyNerd, Cracked's deep-dive series on funny business. (Also, you can stay up to date with the ComedyNerd newsletter -- sign up here.)

Turns out, quite a few comedians used their following and/or their access to make the planet a slightly better place. Like these folks:


COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM RAPHAEL BOB-WAKSBERG USED TWITTER TO RAISE OVER $2,000 FOR TRANS LIFELINE. Не promised that he'd share a deleted Bojack Horseman joke if 100 people respond to this tweet with pics of donations they made today (any amount) to Trans Lifeline, and they did.


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