15 Details About Middle-Earth That Show How Deep Tolkien's Lore Goes

No adaptation of Tolkien's work will ever include everything -- because it'd have to last forever.
15 Details About Middle-Earth That Show How Deep Tolkien's Lore Goes

Although the stories that make up Tolkien's myths are not genuine, most of them are based on facts about the natural environment or are used to describe natural events. Tolkien wanted them to be a fictional legendarium for Europeans, and they are supposed to be read as fake classical antiquity of a section of Earth thousands of years well before the modern age.

The words "Tolkien Mythology" as well as "the legendarium" refer to J.R.R. Tolkien's series of interrelated, imaginative stories that make back into the history of his realm Arda and the entire enormous background of The Lord of the Rings.

Tolkien was sort of a maniac. He believed that for fiction to be truly compelling, willing suspension of disbelief was insufficient; the imaginary world had to be plausible in and of itself, which entailed cramming it with information. There could be entire websites devoted to everything Tolkien put into his Middle-earth, and there already are — these are just a small sample of the vast lore he built.

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