15 Fascinating Facts About Those Great Apes, The Orangutans

We never got the whole big foot thing. If big foot was real, wouldn't it just be another great ape? It's not so much supernatural as just the existence of another big animal. In fact, we already know of the definite existence of plenty of amazing animals that deserve plenty of awe, wonder and respect.
At the top of our list is the ‘wise man of the forest’ aka the humble orangutan. These bad boys are not just capable of starring in comedy gems like Dunston Checks In, they also have neat orange hair and very fun faces. On top of that, they are one of the most peaceful and intelligent of the great apes. Sign us up!
From the incredible bond between mother and child to their insatiable appetite for those things called fruit, here are some fascinating facts about the great ape that paints better than most of us, the orangutan.

Behold this sexy unit

Source: Earth.org
Orangutan Art

Source: IFLS
A Mother's Love

Source: Animals Asia, WWF
Orangutans love the forest

Source: WWF
It's uncanny

Source: Live Science
Who wore it better

Source: National Geographic

Orangutans can get old

Source: Earth.org
Don't come between an orangutan and their fruit

Just an ape cracking a nut with a nature hammer

Source: Sci-News
Orangutans have some great communication skills

Source: Smithsonian Magazine

Source: Orangutan.com, The Orangutan Project
Better than an 8-year-old

Source: Popular Mechanics

Source: The Washington Post