31 Noodle-Cooking Origin Stories of Pop-Culture Staples

31 Noodle-Cooking Origin Stories of Pop-Culture Staples

Did you know that childrens cartoon and book star Arthur wouldnt have been made had his name not started with the letter “A.” The Incredible Hulk wouldnt exist either if a mother didnt lift a car. And Super Mario almost didnt exist because of Popeye.

Many of your favorite characters were inspired by other creations or were created under forced inspiration. Here are some oddest origins of pop-culture icons…

In the Golden Age Comics version of Batman's origin story, his mom wasn't shot. She died of the heart attack she got after seeing Joe Chill shoot her husband -- who tried to prevent Chill from stealing her necklace. CRACKED.COM


MAWILE IS A FUTAKUCHI ONNA GRACKED.COM The Futakuchi Onna are cursed women that have turned into supernatural creatures with a second mouth on the back of their head, covered by hair-like tentacles. In folklore, this can happen when the spirit of a deceased child possesses their step-mother, who starved them in favor of their biological children, to consume the food they were denied in life.


Bender FUTURAMA CRACKED.COM In Futurama, Bender is named Bender because he was built to bend things. But he's actually named for John Bender from The Breakfast Club. Bender the character probably doesn't even know how much he loves fingerless gloves.


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