Handheld Gaming: Then Vs Now

Have we ever mentioned how much we love video games? From staying up late playing mario when we were kids, to buying the original DOOM floppy disks at our local pharmacy (yes, this was a thing) to basking in the modern technological advances of amazing games like Elden Ring, well, let's just say we are fans of the pastime.
While handheld gaming was once a smaller niche and restrained by technological limitations, the ability to game wherever, whenever without dominating the living room TV has always been a major boom. The fact is, the state of play has evolved A LOT since the game boy.
As gaming has grown and evolved, handheld gaming has had its own chaotic journey. Shrinking, then growing, then adding screens, then removing screens… the handheld market has been through a lot.
We wanted to explore some examples of how handheld gaming has changed from the past to the present.
Want to learn more? Scroll on down!