15 Creators Who Were Inspired by Their Own Fears and Nightmares

“Where do they get these ideas?” you cry as you try to hide from the screen (or, alternatively, cringe at the lame attempt to scare you). Well, you know how in movies some guy says his name is John after seeing a urinal? Creators work essentially like that -- often, when they want to scare you, they show you something that scared them once. Does it work? Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. We’ll let you decide which is which on this list.

Source: The Take
H.R. Giger

Sources: The Guardian, Matthias Belz (via Wikimedia Commons)

Source: The Take on YouTube

Sources: The Guardian, Wikimedia Commons

Source: Den of Geek

Source: Wired

Source: Vulture

Source: Engadget, Official GDC on Flickr

Sources: Entertainment Weekly, Ben Britton (via Wikimedia Commons)

Source: The Daily Beast, Nigeldehond (via Wikimedia Commons)

Source: Screen Rant

Sources: Digital Spy, Larry Richman on Flickr

Source: HeadStuff

Source: Bloody Disgusting
Alfred Hitchcock

Sources: Talk Film Society, Newsweek