Weird World: 12 Oddball Events We Somehow Missed

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Weird World: 12 Oddball Events We Somehow Missed

We have all heard some pretty strange stories in our lives. But every once in a while, we come across an event that is so incredibly strange that we can't believe it actually happened. For example, take the case of the man who woke up in a coffin after being pronounced dead. Or the woman who found a live frog in her salad. These stories may seem like they were taken from a work of fiction, but they are actually based on real events. And while we may never know exactly what happened in each case, one thing is for sure: strange things do happen, and sometimes, truth really is stranger than fiction.

We all know about the big, life-changing events that we somehow missed. The time someone else caught the bouquet at our wedding or when we slept through our own child's birth. But what about all of the smaller, odder events that we missed without even realizing it? Here are just a few of them.

WEIRD WORLD A US Army special operations unit was attacked by a ninja in the desert. It happened in Ridgecrest, CA - a guy with a sword, dressed as a ninja, attacked unit members at an airport at night, causing at least 2 injuries. CRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

WEIRD WORLD A gang of brutal chickens has been terrorizing an NYC neighborhood for years. The chickens, plus a rooster, have been attacking people around 169th Street - it's so dangerous, small kids can't even ride scooters. CRACKED.COM

Source: NBC

WEIRD WORLD Because of the pandemic, Northern Ireland has a shortage of clowns. Although circuses are reopening, plenty of clowns have left so at least one circus is holding online auditions, no clown experience necessary. CRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

Wow! What a scoop!

WEIRD WORLD An anti-vaxxer who gave out his number got hounded mercilessly. Christopher Saccoccia gave out his number at an anti-vax rally, but two days later, he asked the thousands of fucking idiots calling him to stop. CRACKED.COM

Source: Insider

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