Tell Us Now: 14 Of The Dumbest Relationship Dealbreakers

Some relationship dealbreakers are just funny and dumb. Like, my friend won't date a guy unless he has abs. That's kind of a shallow way to look at things, but whatever. We don't think that having abs is worth sacrificing compatibility in other areas, but to each their own. Other people have more serious dealbreakers, like if their partner is a smoker or if they have kids from a previous relationship. Some people are willing to overlook these things if they really like the person, but for others, it's a dealbreaker. Then there are the really big dealbreakers, like if your partner is still married or if they're a convicted felon. These are probably wise to avoid, but ultimately it's up to you what you're willing to overlook in a relationship. So what are your relationship dealbreakers? Only you can answer that question.
We asked Cracked Readers on Facebook and Instagram about the cruelest, most inane relationship dealbreakers they've ever encountered… and boy, did you folks dodge some bullets. Some of you were the bullets, but at least you're self-aware enough to recognize that.