Tell Us Now: 14 History Facts We Should Have Learned In School

We are not sure what it is about history that makes it so boring, but we guess we were just never taught the interesting parts. Like, why did Napoleon die in exile? Or how did the Cold War start? Sure, we learned about all the big battles and political decisions, but there are so many other fascinating details that we wish we had known. Maybe if schools started teaching more of the juicy bits, people would be less likely to complain about history class. Who knows! But in case you're curious like us, here are some little-known historical facts that we should have learned in school. Enjoy!
History is written by the winners...or so some loser said because we're not sure who said it first. "What is a historical fact that isn't taught in schools and should be?" we asked Cracked readers on Facebook. Reading (and fact-checking) the responses taught us a lot. We've compiled a list of 14 facts that we hope you already know.

Source: NPR

Source: Washington Post

Source: JSTOR Daily

Source: University of Houston

Source: NPR

Source: Washington Post

Source: Washington Post

Source: New York Times

Source: Pacific Standard

Source: The Guardian

Source: BBC and National Geographic

Source: Smithsonian Magazine

Source: Indian Country Today