13 Bits Of Trivia To Break The Ice In Any Conversation
We've all been there: you're at your first overnight summer camp, around a bunch of strangers, and some camp counselor bro in a polo shirt and puka shell and cargo shorts necklace is all like: “alright kids! It's time to do some ice breakers!” Then we grew up, entered adulthood, and realized that the aforementioned bro? He's got a suit and tie on, and he's you're boss now, as in the person signing your paychecks, and he has 100% leaned into icebreakers as a totally rad and cool thing that doesn't cause anyone anxiety.
Fortunately for you, we here at Cracked understand that anxiety very much, in case the details in that previous paragraph didn't make it obvious what we've been discussing with our therapists lately. That's why we're here to give you a whole mess of interesting facts that will make anyone at your new job (or sleepeaway camp, if we ever get time machines and you wanna settle old grudges) say “wow, what an interesting person!”
If you go to the town of Chicxulub Puerto, Mexico, you’ll be able to visit the site where the dinosaur-killing meteor fell. Here’s the full story, plus 14 others: