14 Comically Cruel, Idiotic Advancements In Military And Law Enforcement Technology

From bikes to gloves to farts, scientists can truly weaponize anything.
14 Comically Cruel, Idiotic Advancements In Military And Law Enforcement Technology

If you're not careful, you might get taken out by a cop wearing a Nintendo Power Glove and wielding a gigantic fart gun. 

The invisible torture ray CRACKED.COM The Pulsed Energy Projectile is actually a watered-down version of the Pulsed Impulsive Kill Laser. The exploding plasma it creates triggers its targets' nerve cells, causing them to experience sensations of extreme heat, extreme cold, extreme acid, or good old-fashioned paralysis.
The Crowd- blinding rifle CRACKED.COM The Personal Halting and Stimulation Response rifle (PHASR) ((UGH.)) can blind multiple targets from far away, and almost definitely violates the 1995 Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons.
The fart gun CRACKED.COM The Vortex Ring Gun is like one of those little drums that can knock over a Solo cup from across the table, except large enough to knock you on your ass, and full of a noxious chemical fart stink.
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