14 Comically Cruel, Idiotic Advancements In Military And Law Enforcement Technology
From bikes to gloves to farts, scientists can truly weaponize anything.

If you're not careful, you might get taken out by a cop wearing a Nintendo Power Glove and wielding a gigantic fart gun.

Source: The 9 Most Hilariously Irresponsible Old-Timey Weapons

Source: The 9 Most Hilariously Irresponsible Old-Timey Weapons

Source: The 9 Most Hilariously Irresponsible Old-Timey Weapons

Source: 6 Awesomely Insane Guns People Actually Used (Pt. 2)

Source: The 9 Most Hilariously Irresponsible Old-Timey Weapons

Source: The 9 Most Hilariously Irresponsible Old-Timey Weapons

Source: The 9 Most Hilariously Irresponsible Old-Timey Weapons

The Truth Chamber

Source: The 9 Most Hilariously Irresponsible Old-Timey Weapons

The Old-Timey Bicycle Tank

Source: 7 WTF Military Weapons You Won't Believe They Actually Built