16 Delightful References and Easter Eggs In 'The Expanse'

That carpet from “The Shining” sure is everywhere.
16 Delightful References and Easter Eggs In 'The Expanse'

If all these Easter eggs are to be believed, the Amazon Prime series shares a universe with everyone from The Terminator to Game of Thrones. Pretty wild. Check out the list of references and Easter eggs you may have missed.

easter eggstra meanings and references THE The Razorback's EXPANSE new name In season 5 episode 4, the Razorback ship gets renamed The Screaming Firehawk. It's a tribute to the name given to the fans of the show who helped save it from being cancelled. CRACKED.COM

Source: CBR

easter eggstra meanings and references THE EXPANSE The Shining The iconic carpet makes a cameo during the first episode of season five. CRACKED.COM

Source: CBR

The Expanse Easter Eggs

easter eggstra meanings and references THE The Simpsons EXPANSE $6X 00 There are a couple of references to the popular American sitcom, with a notable one in season 5 when Amos passes a vendor that is clearly selling some Khlav Kalash cuisine in the background. CRACKED.COM

Source: Collider


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