What's The Deal: A Brief History of the Marshmallow

Unraveling the mysteries of the 'mallow.
What's The Deal: A Brief History of the Marshmallow

With summer fully upon us, the time for night bonfires, and with them, night marshmallow roasts, approaches. In this week's What's The Deal, we take a look at the history of the humble puff. And hey, if global warming gets any worse, you might not even need a fire to roast them!

WHAT'S THE DEAL: MARSHMALLOWS A Brief History Of Marshmallows CRACKED.COM .COM Marshmallows are a beloved treat that usually make people think of one of three things: : campfires, hot cocoa, or horrific burns on the roof of your mouth.
WHAT'S THE DEAL: MARSHMALLOWS Boom, Roasted MARSHMALLOW ROASTS. The Latest Diversion to Amuse the En. nuied Summer Girl. Marshmallow roasts are announced as the latest thing in the way of sum- mer resort diversions, says the Buffalo Commercial. The simplicity of this form of amusement is particularly charming. One buys CRACKED.COM two So who was the first person to stick one on a skewer and have it immediately catch on fire? Marshmallow Roasts start showing up as a fun summer activity in newspapers around the 1890s.

Source: CBC

WHAT'S THE DEAL: MARSHMALLOWS Now You Marshmal-know CRACKED.COM I am so, so sorry. But feel free to fill the next awkward dead air around a bonfire with the story of how a medicinal greek plant ended up a sugary summer treat. And then realize your marshmallow just caught fire AGAIN.
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