Weird World: 12 Utterly Bizarre, Yet Utterly Real Events

Some people shouldn't lead by example.
Weird World: 12 Utterly Bizarre, Yet Utterly Real Events

Our world is a weird world, full of bizarre and baffling things that are totally confounding. Don't believe us? Search this site for the words “weird,” “bizarre,” and “baffling.” Yeah, there's a reason we use them so much. The world is just that wild. But that's not a bad thing! It's fun! That weird, bizarre, and baffling aspect of life is part of why this website exists! We can't get enough of the brain-exploding facts that life has to offer. Plus, it's endlessly satisfying to be at a party and start a story with “you're not gonna believe this guy from Utah's napping habits.” Yes, we go to parties. Sometimes. No, we're not chained to a desk in our mom's basement making memes. We picked the lock on those handcuffs, and we went to some parties, and we talked about a guy in Utah's napping habits. Because that's what you do at parties, right? Here's more detail on that story, plus 11 others:

WEIRD WORLD In Utah, the assistant AG sent out a very rude email because his nap was disturbed. 796 The email ended with Kindly die and go to hell motherf.....!!! and he sent it to the local politician who'd knocked on his door for a re-election campaign. CRACKED.COM

Source: NBC

WEIRD WORLD South Carolina is pausing executions until it sorts out a literal firing squad. Right now, electrocution is the only execution method, and inmates have the right to choose how they die, so executions are on hold until more methods are available. CRACKED.COM

Source: CNN

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