16 Awkward Times Celebrities Met Other Celebrities

Sometimes, celebrities can be just as awkward as us.
16 Awkward Times Celebrities Met Other Celebrities

We all know celebrities. We see them on T.V., in magazines, and online. They're the rich and famous people who always seem to have it all. Everyone knows that celebrities have resumes just like the rest of us. And while they usually contain all of the expected information - such as jobs, honors, and awards - sometimes there are a few unexpected bullet points. For example, did you know that... 

This post is all about some of the more surprising things that can be found on celebrities' resumes. Whether it's Justin Timberlake's stint as a janitor or Rihanna's work as a sales clerk at Saks Fifth Avenue, these tidbits are sure to surprise and entertain readers.

What is your worst ever celebrity encounter? Is it that time one of their bodyguards smacked you across the room? Or did you, too, think it best to explain to a member of the British royal family what a “booty call” is? Because some pretty famous people will relate to your story. Here’s a list of some pretty awkward first moments between famous people.

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