15 Ridiculous Lawsuits Celebs Were Involved In

Lawsuits are an occupational hazard of being a celebrity, that much is certain. Famous folks lawyer up big-time for a reason: the court sometimes comes-a-callin'. Often, it's more than justified, it's actually long overdue given celebs sometime atrocious behavior. See pretty much from 2018 on. We've said ‘so long’ to those who really should have been nixed a looong time ago.
Other times, though, court actions can be just plain frivolous. You've read the eye-rolling headlines before. For example: Hormel Foods, those mythical makers of SPAM, once launched legal action to prevent "evil in porcine form" from killing people’s appetite for SPAM. It's that kind of crap that gives Saul Goodman a bad name, and as we all know, that is nearly impossible. But think on it a moment, like, how are the Muppets going to destroy anyone's career other than almost Jason Segel's. Here’s the full story, plus 14 others:

Source: Billboard

Source: Polygon

Source: TIME

Source: Rolling Stone
The Beatles

Source: MusicRadar

Source: The Huffington Post

Source: The Star

Source: Rolling Stone

Source: Mental Floss

Source: Birmingham Mail
50 Cent

Source: Billboard
Blazing Saddles

Source: PBS

Source: ESPN

Source: Deseret

Source: Mental Floss