Tell Us Now: 20 Absolutely Bonkers Kids' Cartoons That Would Never Fly Today

If kids are into cartoons nowadays, they're likely watching them via a streaming service or on YouTube somewhere, where their parents can censor block or monitor their viewing to avoid the oddness that they themselves grew up with on Saturday mornings when they were children. Sure, there are the classic toons but the many of the network and cable cartoons from the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s were really odd, inappropriate, and sometimes borderline traumatizing.
Current children aren't subjected to yet another Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles clone (only this time it's with mummies). Nor do they have dark children's stories animated to include the realistic death of a rabbit. They don't have a Lil Nas X cartoon to take the animated mantle of M.C. Hammer (actually that one sounds cool).
Regardless, there have been some insane cartoons in the past and the only thing that can match it in modern day seems to be anime. Take a look at some of the nuttier toons that hit our screens back in the day.