15 Bonkers Breakfast Cereal Prizes From The Good Old Days

You know the saying, "Those were the good old days?" Well, sometimes that sentiment is actually true. Just take a look at some of these bonkers incidents from yesteryear! Who knows what crazy stuff went down when we weren't paying attention? Hopefully, this list will help paint a more amusing picture of history.
It's hard to believe that some of the things that happened in the good old days were real. People just seem to be more sensible and level-headed these days. Though, we guess people have always said something like that. The fact is, there was some wild stuff that went down in the past. From doctors recommending cigarettes to…well that’s pretty much the biggest one. The thing is, we never would have guessed the kind of shenanigans they would pull with breakfast cereal.
Take me back to a time when marketing could deceive children, and toy manufacturers could utilize cool materials like asbestos and mercury in their products. Take me back, King Vitamin, we said! Enjoy
Cereal Box Toys