18 Deleted Scenes (That Were Actually Pretty Important)
For a movie about the future, Back to the Future sure had some backwards ideas.

Look, every single scene that a writer or director wants in a movie can't necessarily make it in. Otherwise, Hollywood simply wouldn't be able to keep today's movies down to a svelte three hours. However, sometimes those scenes that never make it through the editing bay or early scripts… seem kinda important? Here are 19 deleted scenes that would have changed the movie they were removed from.

Source: Cracked
Pretty Woman

Source: Cracked

Source: Cracked
In Bruges

Source: Cracked

Source: Cracked

Source: Cracked

Source: Cracked

Source: Cracked

Source: Cracked
Back to the Future

Source: Cracked

Source: Cracked

Source: Cracked

Source: Cracked

Source: Cracked

Source: Cracked
This Fact Is One Step Up Knowledge Mountain

Source: Cracked
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Source: Cracked

Source: DenOfGeek