40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Stuffed in Our Piggy Bank

Do factoids increase in value over time? God I hope so
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Stuffed in Our Piggy Bank

Jurassic Park

Classic movies crushed at the box office Last Action Hero was flattened by Jurassic Park. Last Action Hero was a box office flop, quickly losing to Jurassic Park which came back into theaters. CRACKED

Universal Pictures, Columbia Pictures

MEL Magazine

Baby Driver has a cameo from a former bank robber who consulted on the movie. Joe Loya, was hired as a script consultant and tech consultant for his expertise-- and, ironically, also got a cameo as a security guard in a heist. CRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Stuffed in Our Piggy Bank


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