32 of the Wildest Academic Presentations People Have Witnessed at School

I wonder what grade she got…
32 of the Wildest Academic Presentations People Have Witnessed at School

Trolling is one of the few rights high school students have. Whether they’re pranking administrators, finding loopholes in the rules or becoming the reason a rule is created in the first place, teenagers love to find out exactly where the line is and then deliberately cross it by like a thousand miles. 

Unfortunately, teachers often become the prime target of this trolling. Case in point: One Redditor posted about a classmate who did a book report on the dictionary. Their instructor obviously didn’t find it funny, but you have to admire the student’s creativity. 

Other Redditors have remembered the school presentations that they found to be expert-level trolling, outright cringe or just unbelievably awful, and some of them almost make you miss the brazen stupidity of your adolescence.

sbh97 5y ago . In college during Abnormal Psychology, a student did an entire presentation on Obama's bipolar disorder she kept citing an article from The Onion. + 1.2K ...
ginabeena . 5y ago e In college, someone was doing a presentation on Nelson Mandela and kept referring to Africans as African Americans + 30K ...
sharmander15 . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago e Someone in my class did a book report on the dictionary. The teacher was pissed, all of us students thought it was hilarious. Never heard the end of the presentation.
SheZowRaisedByWolves 5y ago This was in fucking college. Our bio finals were to present on any topic that was related to biology. A group was presenting on types of protection for sex. Not once did they refer to any body parts or fluids by their scientific names. So, yes; they literally had dick, cum, and pussy on slides and read off them. Everyone kept glancing over at our professor, who had this look like he was just constantly cleaning his glasses because he couldn't believe what he was witnessing. They got Kentucky fucked on grading. + 30K ...
thepatman 7y ago e In a college course on public speaking, one student got up and gave his presentation on his love for another student. One who he had never spoken to or interacted with. + 59 ...
veritabli 9y ago . A boy in my year was doing a speech to the whole year level about racism. Не began it by making racist comments about people in the audience, then followed it with we all think it. 2 minutes of the speech were I say racism, you say no! Racism! no!. + 42 ...
Conhoff . 5y ago e I was in 4th grade and a girl in my class did an oral report on Martin Luther King and how he was a hero for freeing the slaves + 12K ...
Stauen 5y ago When I was in high school, a girl from an absurdly wealthy family gave a presentation on why the rich are just as oppressed as anyone. This was in a normal public school in Kentucky where about 90% of the students were middle class at best. You could feel the eyes rolling in that room. + 10K ...
pomegranatefresh 5y ago RUZ Presentation on WWII. Student had just discovered all the neat transitions you can use between slides and decided to use a different one each slide. They used the flashing heart transition between a photo slide of a mass grave and a photo slide of Hitler. + 1.9K ...
 5y ago A teacher asked up to compare the cells in our body to anything we can think of. Obviously some students compared the parts of the human cell to schools, jails, libraries, normal things right? Well this one student that sits next to me had a different idea. These were group projects keep in mind. This girl managed to strong arm her group to compare the human cell to the infamous webcomic Homestuck. She did this successfully. Not only did I feel dirty but her group felt worse for having their names on it. 4.8K ...
greeneyedwench 5y ago o This was a Spanish class in college, and I think the assignment was something like talk about your best friend or some such, just kind of a softball assignment so you could practice using the vocabulary. And one classmate's friend was evidently a friend with benefits. 7.3K ...
 5y ago Edited 5y ago - During nursing school a guy decided to use my little pony figures as props to a seminar room of about 100 people. Не told the class that he would refer to himself as his pony name for the duration.. Don't remember what it was. Also, not that this is relevant but he wore a black leather trench coat and it was pretty hot in the room yet he never took it off... cringe.
nqrze 5y ago Edited 5y ago e when i was a ninth grade student, we had to present the poems we made in english class. most people wrote about embracing their culture, loving their friends, etc. and then there was that one kid who recited a lifestyle poem which compared fat people to beached whales and said that people who don't work out will die before they're 20 + 8.6K ...
Findingcaffeine 9y ago e Edited 9y ago 11th grade, we just finished Animal Farm. Most people are doing speeches on utopian societies, socialism, corruption etc. Except one girl. She got up an gave her speech in character, as a pig - noises include. I thought my teacher was going to have an aneurysm trying to keep a straight face. 12th grade, same girl got up to explain how the poem The Sick Rose was about a rose that was sick. + 12 ...
lameflamingo 5y ago Edited 5y ago In my high school current events class two freshman girls got a little lost in their research about ISIS. They somehow connected this terrorist group to the magic bullet theory used in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Me and the few other seniors were holding back laughter the entire presentation. 2.5K ...
LlamaManatee 5y ago Enviromental science. For our final project in the class we were allowed to talk about Dude decides to do his project on global cooling. Buddy was up there for 7 mins explaining to the class how the earth has been getting colder and colder, and how its eventually going to cause problems to other species. Teacher was really passionate about this class and you could se her squirming in her seat the whole way through the presentation. Whole thing was a Big WTF. His sources were online forums. 4K ...
jlhendo 5y ago Sophomore year of high school we were tasked with a bringing in an object from home and giving a presentation on how/why the object explains you as a person. Kid brought in a knife, not a big one, but a knife nonetheless. Не actually gave a decent presentation...but ended getting expelled because of it later that day. + 1.3K ...
 5y ago B-school ethics class - we had a group give a presentation on how society benefited from the tobacco industry. They were ripped to shreds by the professor and rest of the class + 1.6K ...
 5y ago Edited 5y ago I was in a japanese film class for a credit I needed and the final project was some open ended paper where you got to choose the topic and our Japanese born teacher told us some story about a creepy neckbeard who did his on Japanese porn and how no one should do anything like that. Anyways on the day it was due the creepiest neckbeard stereotype Ive ever seen, who was in my class, presented his long ass cringe presentation on Japanese porn in the class that no one wanted to hear, already
 5y ago 0 English 1101. Present a persuasive argument. Back it up with facts. Easy. Five different white dudes with dreads got up and gave five different presentations on the legalization of marijuana. + 539 ...
 5y ago Theatre school, one guy did a 30 minute presentation on why UK Grime music is the future of theatre...expect it was just music videos and no context. Не failed. We all had headaches after. 895 ...
cat9tail 5y ago I was a teacher's aid at my son's school, and I sat in on his class one day as a first grader did show and tell. She held up a book and said, This is my diarrhea! Half the class looked confused, the rest looked intrigued. She continued to mix up diary with diarrhea for several more sentences as the teacher and I were silently crying with hysteria. If just one kid had laughed, we would have jumped in, but everyone listened with respect and applauded at the end, so we moved on. 1.1K ...
ihavesomanythings . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Junior year of high school, for our AP English class, our group made a 30 minute telenovela of the Scarlet Letter. The whole thing was in Spanish. + 931 ...
Lia_9181 5y ago Ooooo do I have a good one! When I was in school we were asked to create a project that would help solve some issues in our environment. Anyway, this one guy who is probably one of the dumbest people I've ever met (and I don't say that lightly) suggested the idea of flying cars, and his reasoning for why it would help the environment was because then we wouldn't use so much gas, just like airplanes! And I just sat there like what does he think airplanes run on? F*cking pixie dust? + 1.3K ...
LostCauliflower 5y ago . In sophomore year of high school, we had to do a presentation on a story/memory of ours and bring something in to show the class. A guy did it on his addiction to porn and played Christian rock for us. It was awkward. 429 ...
retromortem 5y ago e In tenth grade oral comm, a girl gave a speech on cosplay. Not too unforgiving on its own, but then she compared people making fun of her for liking it to homophobia. 274 ...
savvyjiuju 5y ago In my junior year of high school, in AP English class, one classmate made it through a ten minute presentation on the Peace Corps while pronouncing it the Peace Corpse. I knew it wasn't her fault for not having heard anyone else say it before, but I just could not handle imagining how she would feel once she realized what she'd done days, weeks or years later. + 353 ...
velcromidway 5y ago My sophomore year I was in public speaking and we had to give our first speech to the class. This mountain of a boy stands up in front of the class to give his 5 minute speech on his football position and why linebackers are so important. Не stood next to the lecturn and not 30 seconds into his speech he grabbed his groin. Не kept pulling on it and adjusting it in his jeans. After about a minute and a half the teacher had to stop him ( I guess she wasn't watching because another guy in
AdmSndlr 5y ago In my World Cultures class in middle school we had to take a different country and compare it to America. A kid proceeded to pick the United States and even converted the currency, and on his slide said One US dollar = a dollar. The teacher made him stop but I kinda wish I saw the rest 244 ...
DogSaysFeedMe 9 5y ago Honors English class, and the student was presenting about how she believes in crop circles and ufos 211 ...
Shindiee 5y ago e some guy did a ted talk on why sexism about males was more common and harmful than sexism against females. i i wish i was kidding 234 ...
babyface_killah 5y ago Was in a video/film making class in high school. One group of guys did a parody of those Gatorade commercials where the athletes sweat is colored like Gatorade but it was a sweaty guy jerking off. Apparently there was a Gatorade cumshot but the teacher just turned that shit off immediately before it got that far. + 4.1K ...


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