20 Dumb Trends We Would Prefer to Forget Ever Happened

As if it weren’t bad enough being all sweaty and pimply and horny, for some reason, between the ages of about 12 to 25, we lose all sense of whether an item of clothing is completely hideous. Don’t believe us? Go flip through your high school yearbook. You will see yourself wearing something so ugly that you’ll refuse to believe your parents let you out of the house like that on philosophical grounds alone. It might still be in the back of your closet somewhere. You can probably get a good price for it on Depop.
It’s not just fashion, either. The ways we entertain ourselves, decorate our homes and even permanently alter our bodies are all subject to the whims of the zeitgeist. They’re usually easy enough to stuff in a box in the basement — save for, you know, the permanent body alterations — but those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. That’s right: Skinny jeans are coming back. But that’s not what Redditors were thinking about when they answered use rGyapaetusWeed’s question for r/AskReddit, “What is a weird trend that existed that everyone forgot about?”