12 Random Bits of Trivia From the Entertainment Biz

The MGM lion suffered a fate worse than death: an eternity in New Jersey.
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The MGM Lion Is Buried on the Side of a New Jersey Road

Slats, one of the O.G. MGM lions, is buried and memorialized on the side of a road in Gillette, New Jersey. Lion trainer Volney Phifer kept a bunch of showbiz animals on his New Jersey farm, and buried Slats there.
The Second-Best September in History

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice raked in $110 million in its opening weekend, the second best performance of all time. 2017’s It holds the record at $123 million.
‘Flappy Bird’ Is Back! (Kinda)

The super-popular mobile game was removed from the App Store by its mysterious reclusive creator years ago. The rights to the game have been passed around, and now a group of “passionate fans” have announced they’re re-developing it and releasing it soon.
The Highest-Paid Player in NFL History

Dak Prescott reached a historic deal with the Dallas Cowboys. He will now make $240 million over the course of the next four seasons.
John Legend Isn’t Having Any of This ‘They’re Eating Dogs’ Nonsense

John Legend is from Springfield, Ohio, which is ground zero for insane rumors about immigrants eating household pets. He’s spoken out on his Instagram, saying, “Nobody’s eating cats. Nobody’s eating dogs.”
Alfred Hitchcock Was a Big Piece of Shit, But He Had Some Pretty Dope Last Words

“One never knows the ending. One has to die to know exactly what happens after death. Although Catholics have their hopes.” Get ‘em, Al!
A CEO’s Rich Friends Have No Imagination, So Now We’re All Going to Have A.I. Shoved Down Our Throats

Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks claims that of the 30 or 40 people he “regularly” plays D&D with, “there’s not a single person who doesn’t use A.I. somehow for either campaign development or character development or story ideas. That’s a clear signal that we need to be embracing it.”
Colin Farrell Is Done Playing Ugly

Speaking of his costume to play Penguin, he’s said, “I never want to put that fucking suit and that fucking head on again.”
Marilyn Monroe’s Salmonella Cocktail

Monroe’s signature breakfast beverage was a cup of warm milk with two raw eggs whipped into it with a fork.
Jon Bon Jovi Saved a Woman’s Life

Bon Jovi and his production assistant noticed a woman standing on the side of a bridge in Nashville and rushed to her aid, talking her down and taking her to safety.
Jerry Seinfeld’s On-Screen Girlfriend Is Worth More Than Three Times What He Is

Seinfeld’s net worth clocks in at just under $1 billion, but actress Jami Gertz, who once played Jerry’s girlfriend on Seinfeld, is worth $3 billion thanks to savvy investments and a rich husband. In fact, she’s a part-owner of the Atlanta Hawks and the Milwaukee Brewers.
Prince’s Revenge

Rolling Stone didn’t include Prince on its list of the greatest guitar players of all time. An unreleased documentary indicates that that was what inspired him to launch into a historically badass improvised solo during “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” at the 2004 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony.