28 Stats and Figures to Bring Your Brain Juice to a Roiling Boil

Piping hot digits, fresh outta the calculator
28 Stats and Figures to Bring Your Brain Juice to a Roiling Boil

Forget your mid-day coffee. You’re not going to need it. Just one sip of this list will pep your brain right up. As you scroll on down, you’ll probably even wake up parts of your brain that have been sleepy for years. Honestly, with the sheer number of these little fact sips, you might want to read half now, and the other half before dinner. For that early evening pick-me-up.

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Logging: Not Safe.

CRACKED LOGGER Logging workers are way more likely to die on the job than police officers - 8 times more likely, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Asian people drive worse

Asians are bad drivers. For an ethnic group that supposedly has bad driving written into their genetic code, they sure get into very few road accidents. According to 2006 statistics by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Native Americans had the highest fatality rate on the road: 31.17 per 100,000 people, followed by Native Hawaiians, which was 13.90. The fatality rate of Asian people? 4 out of 100,000. CRACKED.COM


Hockey players play more hockey now.

Sports Reinvented 20 O УМЕ HOCKEY IS PHASING OUT THE VIOLENCE The NHL's arms race of enforcers bare knuckle boxing on skates has all but silenced. With stricter rules against retaliation, fight statistics decline each year, with more focus on speed and skill. CRACKED


Taxi drivers: high risk.

CRACKED DUTY VA 8G89 DUTY OFF BCB8 2.50 INITIAL FARE $1.43 PEA A MINUTE - $100 MONDAY-FRIDAY 6-EPM $0.50 NIGHTS - LAW FLAT PARS ESTATE TAXI DRIVER Taxi drivers are in big danger when it comes to homicide. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, on average, 23.7 out of every 100,000 taxi drivers got killed each year from 1993 to 2002.



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