34 Times Math Was Actually Interesting

Our old math teachers will love us for this
34 Times Math Was Actually Interesting

Sure, we may have been those spitball-spitting kids at the back of the class in high school, but we’ve grown up since then. And okay, so we rolled our eyes when the powers-that-be chose a math-based list for us, but once we started gathering interesting numbers, we really got into it! 

We’d be the last people to admit this, but numbers can actually be cool. 

Don’t believe us? Give these a try!

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The Freshest Random Facts!

CRACKED DOPPELGANGERS The chances of having an exact twin are pretty slim - only one in 135. But if you look at the bigger picture - attributes like the overall shape of your face-it's more likely that you have a doppelganger out there.


The Freshest Random Facts!

Learning to play a piano makes you better at math. After 8 months of piano lessons, students went from scoring in the 30th to the 65th percentile on the Stanford 9 Math Test. CRACKED COM


The Freshest Random Facts!

CRACKED.COM MORE SERIAL KILLERS ARE BORN IN JANUARY THAN ANY OTHER MONTH A study of 293 serial killer spread across 29 countries all over the world revealed that 11.2% of those were born in January, even though the month of January has 7.9% of all births. Fun fact: Hannibal Lecter was born on January 20, 1933.


The Freshest Random Facts!

CRACKED SUPER WT ROAD BISHOPSGATE MAYF BOUR 1. KINGS ROAD COLLECT €600k 2. KE £2M AS YOU PASS CAM GO MONOPOLY In the US version of Monopoly, the orange group of properties - St James Place, Tennessee Avenue, and New York Avenue - are statistically the likeliest spots for players to land when they get out of Jail. So: buy those.


The Freshest Random Facts!

CRACKED Scientists used lasers and Fibonacci to create a new phase of matter. A= 1 dt Physicists shot a laser at atoms in a Fibonacci sequence, and found that it created a new phase of matter. This new phase is more robust in preserving information than the current methods used.


This Fact Is One Step Up Knowledge Mountain

Harvard's Applied Mathematics 141г: Computational Music Theory This class combines math, programming, and music theory to produce a uniquely quantitative study of what has traditionally been perceived to be a humanist field. 1-dt 1001 - - - - 11 0000 1.1.90 0:00.000 - - - the - P LC A T (2 EOQ CRACKED =


This Fact Is One Step Up Knowledge Mountain

Jocks get a boost from math nerds. Motion analysis is used to understand how an athlete's foot moves within a running shoe, allowing for shoes with better mechanical properties to be created. P A II 1-dt +i) Ip A EC CRACKED


The Freshest Random Facts!

CRACKED -n.d. Marriage mathematics. It takes five positive interactions to overcome one negative interaction in a marriage. Researchers Gottman and Levenson found this ratio may be key to happy, stable marriages. (2xFx0 EOQ


The Freshest Random Facts!

I CFi i II A 1-dt The Futurama Theorem. Created by Futurama writer Ken Keeler for the Season 6 episode The Prisoner of Benda, this states that regardless of how many mind switches between two bodies have been made, they can still all be restored to their original bodies using only two extra people. CRACKED



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