All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

Including a reference to heavy drinking, which seems insulting
All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

In pursuit of easy communication and brevity, every U.S. president since Harry Truman has received a Secret Service code name. Some have aged better than others, and some were borderline insulting to begin with. Heres my ranking of them, and just in case it needs to be said, this is based as much as possible on the nicknames themselves, not their policies or alleged sex crimes.

Barack Obama: Renegade

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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This already sucks to call yourself. Its one step away from “Bad Boy for Life.” When he launched a podcast with the same name? Even further into the dumpster it went.

Donald Trump: Mogul

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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Look, I promise you, even trying not to consider the man himself, this is fucking lame. Its the kind of thing a guy you know from high school who opened a vape shop makes his Instagram handle. By the way, were not considering familys code names in this list, but I feel like Melania Trumps choice of “Muse” is so gag-worthy I had to mention it. God, that sucks.

George W. Bush: Tumbler/Trailblazer

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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God, both of these names sound like a direct dig, and I love it. “Tumbler” was his code name when his dad was president, possibly because of his heavy drinking. When he was elected, he chose “Trailblazer,” showing a colossal lack of self-awareness for the ultimate political nepo baby.

Gerald Ford: Passkey

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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Maybe he chose this name as a gigantic fuck-you to every president that had to be duly elected, seeing as he became Commander-in-Chief without ever being elected president or vice president. Something I would believe, given just how self-satisfied he looks in his presidential photo.

Joe Biden: Celtic

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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I didnt know this dude was that ride-or-die Irish. Celtic is a cool word, but here it kinda feels like the shitfaced guy on St. Patricks Day who keeps telling you that the “Irish were an oppressed people too.”

Jimmy Carter: Lock Master/Deacon

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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Okay, Deacon is fine, coming from him being a religious man. But “Lock Master”? What is this, a D&D game? You sound like an obstacle from Legends of the Hidden Temple, my guy.

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Scorecard/Providence

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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Id assume “Scorecard” came from Eisenhower's love of golf, but still. You were a five-star general, man! Why the hell are you calling yourself “Putt-Putt” or whatever? Actually, I take it back. “Putt-Putt” would, undeniably, be #1 on this list. As for the alternate, “Providence,” thats a snoozefest also.

John F. Kennedy: Lancer

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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Im sure its meant to be a reference to knights, Camelot and lance-bearing warriors. Unfortunately for me, it sort of sounds like one of Santas reindeer. Either way, turns out a better code name would have been “Duck.

Lyndon B. Johnson: Volunteer

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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At first, this sounds kind of lame, until you realize it comes from being the first member of Congress to volunteer for active duty in World War II. Its the kind of nickname youd drunkenly make fun of at the bar before getting your ass whooped by a man with military training.

Richard Nixon: Searchlight

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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This one gets full marks for the sheer irony of it. I know I said we werent considering their actual time in office, but somebody involved in one of historys greatest cover-ups being called “Searchlight”? Theres no way Im ignoring that.

Bill Clinton: Eagle

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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How the hell did this many presidents pass this one up? Theres a reason “the eagle has landed” became part of the lexicon. Top marks.

Ronald Reagan: Rawhide

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

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The guy sucks a whole ranchs worth of pig ass, but Im not going to pretend this isnt cool. Play a cowboy in Hollywood, and youre pretty much set on cool nicknames for the rest of your life. Ive also walked by a gay bar named this, which I hope Nancy Reagans hell-tortured ghost hates.

George H.W. Bush: Timberwolf

All the Presidents’ Secret Service Code Names, Ranked

Public Domain

What does the name “Timberwolf” have to do with George H.W. Bush himself? I have no idea, but its undeniably sick as hell. “Timberwolf has landed” sounds more like a combat mech just got deployed than a middle-aged president stepping off a plane.


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