34 Bits of Trivia About the Yin, the Yang, and Everything In-Between

34 Bits of Trivia About the Yin, the Yang, and Everything In-Between

When it comes to random tidbits, we like to think of ourselves as the shifty alley-dwellers of the internet, surreptitiously flashing our goods from an open trench coat. 

Whoa… Just realized how that sounded. We promise that we’re fully clothed in this analogy. And our “goods” are but shiny factoids dangling from the inside of our coat lining. 

The point is, in the inane trivia realm, we’ve got what you need. If you’re not buyin’, then move along!

CRACKED THE CIVIL WAR WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR CREATING OVER 400,000 MORPHINE ADDICTS. For this reason, the addiction was referred to as Soldier's Disease.


BRIDGMANITE IS THE MOST COMMON MINERAL ON EARTH. CRACKED.COM It makes up 93% of Earth's lower mantle however it is almost completely absent from Earth's surface. The only samples we have of it are from a meteorite that was probably once a former planet.


THERE ARE 26,000 RECORDED COVERS OF SILENT NIGHT. CRACKED.COM Making it the most recorded holiday song in history- White Christmas is a distant second at 20,000.


CRACKED CHOCOLATE WAS FIRST CONSUMED AS A BITTER DRINK BY THE MAYANS AND AZTECS OVER 3,000 YEARS AGO. It wasn't until the 16th century that it was sweetened and became popular in Europe.


CRACKED FERN COLLECTING WAS A TREND IN THE VICTORIAN ERA. The activity was so popular it earned its own name: pteridomania.


CRACKED - - - Plan - - - STA KETCHUP- FUELED SURVIVAL. CMA One Dominican sailor managed to stay alive in the Caribbean sea for over three weeks by eating ketchup and other condiments. Presumably, and hopefully, not a Heinz guerrilla marketing stunt.


CRACKED TLC TOOK THEIR LABEL EXEC HOSTAGE (AND GOT WHAT THEY WANTED). 1990s all-female band TLC at one point kept the president of their record label hostage until they could get a better deal in their contracts. It worked. Lef TL FANN IS LC mmm 'RO SCRUBS THE BIGGEST SELLING FEMALE TRIO of ALL TIME RETURNST ALBUM INCLUDES SMASHES TM GOOD OT BEING BAD. SILLY но AND UNPRETTY LION WORT


CRACKED THE ADULT LUNA MOTH HAS NO MOUTH. Therefore, it lives for a week, only to reproduce, and then dies of starvation.


CRACKED ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER ONLY MADE $75,000 FOR HIS ROLE IN TERMINATOR. 7 years later, in Terminator 2, he made $15,000,000.


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