13 People Who Got High As Hell At The Worst (Or Best) Possible Time

Ah, the stories we could tell about those who have achieved great things while under the influence of mind-altering substances.
rom Aimo Koivunen skiing 250 miles while high on meth, to Dock Ellis pitching a no-hitter while on acid, to Francis Crick discovering the double-helix structure of DNA while on LSD, to Peter Charles Lemon taking on two groups of Vietcong while stoned on weed, to Rick Jones and Lionel Morton presenting a children's show while high on marijuana, to Stevie Nicks and Mick Fleetwood's cocaine-fueled romance, to David Bowie's cocaine-fueled amnesia, to Wesley Snipes strangling the director while high, and finally, to Rick Jones and Lionel Morton presenting a kids show while high - these stories of those who have achieved greatness while high on drugs are truly remarkable.
So, without further ado, here is a list of 13 of the most incredible stories of people who have achieved great things while high on drugs. Enjoy.
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High on meth, 250 miles skied.

Tripping the no-hitter fantastic.

Highly decorated, high on drugs.

Heroic stoner takes on Vietcong.

The Worst Time To Get High

Fleetwood Mac

Cocaine-Fueled Amnesia

The Beatles

High on hair ideas.

Elvis: "Help my friend."

If only there was a representation of what this was like

Wesley Snipes: Strangle-high.

High on the job.