The U.S.S. Enterprise (Is Getting P.U.S.S.Y. Tonight) (feat. MC's Prime Directive and Galaxy Class)

The U.S.S. Enterprise (Is Getting P.U.S.S.Y. Tonight) (feat. MC's Prime Directive and Galaxy Class)

The rap parody song has a long and storied history. Like the Jesus or Hitler sketch, it is often a dangerous road to travel down. You're instantly inviting comparisons between your work and that of the greatest comedians of the age. Do I really think our little comedy rap is on par with the likes of Boba the Fett, White and Nerdy, or Gin & Juice (the Gourds version)? All I can say, humbly, is yes, it's far better than all of those combined*. Enjoy!

If they are desired, the lyrics can be found in the video description here
. You can also download the song here, if you're the kind of person who makes parody songs a part of their regular listening retinue. I'll admit, I occasionally rock me some "Eat It" at the gym. Nothing gets me pumped like Weird Al's slammin' vocals. *But only if you're really into Star Trek: The Next Generation.
When not blogging for Cracked, Michael neuters Tribbles as head writer and co-founder of Those Aren't Muskets!
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