The 5 Lamest Forwarded Emails (And Why Your Mom Loves Them)
It's easier than it's ever been in recorded history to send letters to one another, and while that's great and all, it also means we're sending each other things we probably wouldn't have bothered with back when it took a guy on a horse a month or more to deliver them. This is double true for people who don't really understand the internet. You kn

Email #5: "FW: Forward This To Everyone You Know And Your Wishes Will Come True!"

Why Moms Can't Resist It
Because moms are superstitious. Sure, chances are nothing will happen if she doesn't forward the email to 10 people, but... WHAT IF? Why risk it? Plus, what if bad things happen to you because she didn't send it?! Just think of how bad she would feel then! Sure, it's annoying to get emails like these, but remember: She's only sending them because she loves you. Oh - and because she is completely technologically clueless.Email #4: "FW: Funniest Pictures EVER (LOL)!!!"
This classic twist on the standard "FW: Funny Joke Inside!!!" email (more about that later) takes things to the next level: Instead of text-based jokes written with the average 10-year-old in mind, the "Funny Pictures" email consists of a mixed bag of tired jpgs that anyone who has had an internet connection in the past decade has already seen a dozen times. For example, one might receive the following picture:Why Moms Can't Resist It


Why Moms Can't Resist It
This is what they look like.
Email #2: "FW: For Every Person You Forward This To, A Penny Is Donated To Some Sort Of Child-Related Cause!"

Why Moms Can't Resist
Because what mom could possibly resist a story, fake or otherwise, about someone else's child in need? Never underestimate the power of maternal instinct - it can make hideous children seem "beautiful," a pile of diarrhea in a diaper seem worth talking about with your friends, and, apparently, a totally fabricated story about a kid with cancer in your inbox seem like something you should forward to everyone you know.
Maternal instinct makes you not want to throw this thing down the stairs.
Email #1: "FW: Funniest Jokes EVER Inside (LOL)!!!"

Why Moms Can't Resist It
While it's true that the average mom genuinely wants to share funny jokes with her children, the sad truth is that she wants something else even more: a call every once in a while. And while the subject line might say "Thought you might get a kick out of this, sweetie!", what it actually means is, "I gave birth to you. Why don't you love me anymore?" Which reminds me... I should go call my mom.