10 Tips for Raising the Child You Really Shouldn't Have Had

Learning the difference between right and wrong is a key milestone on the road of "growing up to not be a psychopath." For the most, part parents already do this fairly well by teaching by example. My only recommendation then, is for parents to be conscious of the limited scope of moral scenarios their daily lives present, and to begin fabricating moral dilemmas so that their brood can see how to react in more complicated scenarios. A basic "kill one to save a dozen" example from classic utilitarianism can turn an ordinary day at the petting zoo into a memorable learning experience.
If you want a child who can move from place to place without the assistance of gravity, be sure to encourage them to live an active lifestyle. Fortunately children have a natural instinct to run and play, and you should not only encourage this, but work to maximize the effects. Consider fastening ankle weights or a small drag parachute to your child to increase resistance and develop tone and muscle.
Work as a Team
If you have multiple children, you'll be well positioned to teach them how to get along with others, minimizing the chances of them growing up to write manifestos. By regularly pasting your children in "parents vs. kids" board game nights you'll encourage them to develop feelings of camaraderie and mutual support amongst themselves, which will come in handy when they're abandoned together in the wilderness, as I'll ask you to do next week when presenting the advanced tips.
Control your fear
Getting kids to go to sleep is one of the most difficult challenges new parents face. Yet it seems quite plain to me that this can be solved simply by teaching your child about the history of the 24 hour clock and how the foundation of mankind's economic system is based around the daylight hours--a legacy from our pre-industrial history. Point out that although there is always value in questioning social conventions such as bedtime, one must first understand the basis of these conventions, and to make digressions from the norm only after sober consideration. Try purchasing a colorful mobile which illustrates social obligations for a fun way to drive this point home.
From my experience being one several decades ago, I know that any child from the age of eight months onwards is capable of reading, and would love to if only their parents weren't so busy drinking lager beer and fighting in the backyard. Begin by implementing a simple rewards system, where the child can earn valuable treats like parental attention by deciphering simple puzzles based on the alphabet. As your children age, you can implement progressively harder challenges, so that by the age of four they are capable of rolling their eyes at USA Today.
Financial Responsibility
The current level of financial education in the public school system is laughable, and if you want your child to grow up to be anything other than a male escort with crippling credit card debt, you owe them a solid foundation of money skills. From an early age, institute a system where your child receives an allowance in exchange for completing small household chores. This will encourage your child to develop a sense of the value of money and provide you a source of comically cheap labor. A well-designed allowance plan can get your entire roof re-shingled for as little as 80 dollars, plus materials.
Survival Instincts
The Birds and the Bees
This is more an issue for older children, but in an increasingly sexual world, where children are maturing faster and faster, the topic should never be far from your mind. That's why one critical fact of life should be made clear to your child as soon as they're old enough to understand words: they are there to spread your genetic legacy - any other goal they have in life must be secondary to that.
Hate Those Who Are Different
You grew up the way you did and turned out OK, and have learned that everyone who didn't grow up the same way is foul and polluted. That's why you married someone who looks as similar to you as possible, and that's why you're going to teach your children to be distrustful of anyone with unusual clothes, an accent or red hair.
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