Top Picks 08.28.09: Scream Queens and Douchebag Colleges

Some of the best stuff from around the web and the Mirth Canal.
Film's hottest scream queens:Your dose of celebrity gossip:
The 25 Douchiest Colleges in America:
Thanks to dagur in the Mirth Canal.
Batmobile, Batcycle and Bat... Pogo stick?:
10 Sexy Stewardes- sorry, "Flight Attendants":
This is too stupid not to buy:
Old folks gettin' fresh on the dance floor:
Thanks to Brian via email.
WiFi Prostitutes:
10 Best After School Specials:
"Sir, you're under arrest for illegal cockfighting." "Fine, whatever, just don't let those assholes at the Humane Society hurt my birds.":
"She's fucking fat. WTF?":
Carin Ashley shows us it's OK to wear a bathrobe to the beach:
Required reading for the ladies (or the dudes if you roll that way):
Visual Effects: 100 Years of Inspiration:
Thanks to Liqourish in the Mirth Canal.
Only in America: The Mona Lisa painted with burger grease:
15 Most Awkward Celebrity Childhood Photos:
5 Reasons Why Rob Zombie Must Be Stopped:
27 Playmates on Twitter:
Luda's fantasies are just a little too unrealistic, even for him:
What happens in our office whenever Editor-in-Chief Jack O'Brien comes walking through:
Thanks to Local Penguin in the Mirth Canal.
Conando returns:
We present to you Cracked's yacht:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: A list of celebrity sex tapes!
Submitted by GOTI in the Mirth Canal.
If you want to find out what we're looking at online before we post it here, be sure to follow us on Twitter
We thought the police hired people who, you know, could draw to be their sketch artists:Thanks to Ripper in the Mirth Canal.
Family Guy's worst vacations:
Lifetime jumps the shark:
Holy shit this is disgusti- wait where did Brockway just run off to?:
We really hope the universe isn't a PC:
"We've had our breakfast of coffee and smokes, now someone put Beyonce on":
Thanks to Emma via email.
From the "It Could Only Happen in the South" file:
Sign up to get A-List info every Friday:
How we wish we were that marble pillar:
10 Famous Musicians Falling On Stage:
How to pull an office prank:
15 Most Awkward Celebrity Childhood Photos:
When wrestlers and Hollywood collide:
Well, guess this settles that question:
The 12 Dumbest Convicted Athletes:
11 Firsts in Internet History:
Rapper screwed by label, gets free education in the end:
Thanks to ralf23 in the Mirth Canal.
We'd say this was romantic... if magicians weren't totally dorky:
"It was an art project!" "That's it, lock her up.":
10 Best After School Specials:
"Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell":
Thanks to Nedroid in the Mirth Canal.
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: If a kangaroo is unable to pass gas, would it still laugh at fart jokes?
Submitted by daimon67 in the Mirth Canal.
Bears are awesome:
Ahoy! Thar be boobies:
"What this song needs... is more airhorn":
Thanks to Brian via email.
Is there anything Hitler won't get pissed at?:
"Her existence to me is like daughter, younger sister and bride all put into one." Does he have sex with her? "Yes.":
Thanks to Man With Beard in the Mirth Canal.
The 5 Greatest Nazi Killers:
Rejected MTV Movie Award shorts:
The Today Show's standards for guests have really bottomed out:
When threesome's go wrong:
12 Weird Hotel Rooms From Around the World:
Mary Alison's curves are so dangerous they should be illegal:
A review of Inglourius Basterds:
Confessions From a Couple Who Met Online:
They'll make anything into a sport nowadays:
Is this the beginning of real Transformers?:
Thanks to m3anmarin3 in the Mirth Canal.
11 Secrets for Taking Amazing Nude Photos:
Some mean-ass nerdy boobs:
These put our cardboard fort at the office to shame:
When the Emperor died, the Sith sank to new lows to recruit members:
More reasons you should be watching Mad Men:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Apparently our childhood was nothing but lies.
Submitted by HappyKitty in the Mirth Canal.
Our scores were so low because no one in the office has seen a potato not in French fry form:
Thanks to Kalli in the Mirth Canal.
10 Signs You're Too Stupid to be on Facebook:
A John Williams classic, reimagined by sharks:
The best jokes of the week:
UNO! Now with more knifings and battery:
First our furry little friends, next will be us:
Training Day starring McLovin:
Apparently Gwen Stefani is drop-dead gorgeous:
The Top 49 Men:
10 Sexy Videos of Girls Eating Icecream:
10 Worst Marriages in Cartoondom:
The first iPhone:
Engineering student? Or Juggernaut?:
Thanks to tomroadrunner in the Mirth Canal.
11 Best Photos of Spelling Mistakes:
Today's Big Thing:
Shaq is a dancing machine:
What happened to the days of girls just playing with Barbie and having dirt thrown at them by boys?:
Thanks to chad.rojas via email.
Aylen Alvarez in what is either a NSFW photoshoot or a philosophical exploration of the question: How much of a T-Shirt and shorts can be cut off before they are no longer a T-Shirt and shorts?
It's only a matter of time before craigslist gets in on this:
Thanks to Nktalloth in the Mirth Canal.
Sex Scene or Murder Scene?:
Can this really be considered a giant cupcake? Or is it just a big cake?:
5 Kick Ass Baseball Fight Videos:
5 WTF Moments in Movies:
"K, sir, what do you want?" "A unicorn fucking a dolphin." "Great! That's my specialty!":
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: LGBT characters in video games.
Submitted by HappyKitty in the Mirth Canal.
If you want to find out what we're looking at online before we post it here, be sure to follow us on Twitter and become our fan on Facebook.
Why dogs are awesome:
Thanks to selftitled in the Mirth Canal.
An important message from Megan Fox:
The Real Housewives of Lancaster County:
How to Be a Successful Jerry Springer Guest:
Ass stabbings? You crazy Aussies:
25 Awesome Photos:
The greatest business card on the planet:
Top 10 Sin Cities:
Seriously, when are these guys coming out of the closet?:
10 Most Moronic Cartoon Pets:
"Johnson, put a message on that board that will really get kids in the mood to come back to school.":
Can you achieve equilibrium?:
Thanks to Demha in the Mirth Canal.
Mystery solved: the shows that came on after The Simpsons:
Today's Big Thing:
7 Videos of Quentin Tarantino Acting Like an Ass:
13 Signs That Show She's Loser:
Shonda Lee reminds us why we never want summer toe end:
Pranknet's leader is a jobless and living with his mom:
Thanks to Honest Abe in the Mirth Canal.
10 Funniest Ralph Wiggum Quotes:
There may yet be hope for those of us who are balding:
Girl power the Robot Chicken way:
How to pick the right college:
5 Movies that Ripped Off Comics:
We're never eating at Chuck E. Cheese's again:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Stunt cocks. Unfortunately, they don't perform dangerous stunts.
Submitted by easilyconfused in the Mirth Canal.
Leaked footage from Iron Man 2:
Damn you for toying with us, Microsoft:
Thanks to ralf23 in the Mirth Canal.
What our girlfriends and wives are getting for Christmas:
Miley Cyrus teaches a generation of girls to pole-dance:
Wife of Twitter CEO tweets... while giving birth:
When your mother tells you to pick up all your empty Cheetos bags, just show her these:
Insane theories about the universe (that turned out to be true):
Demotivational car posters:
7 Media Companies Too Stupid To Snag Their Own Name On YouTube:
11 Most Obscure Online Dating Sites:
Today's Big Thing:
Ladies and gentlemen, the Santa Cruz city council:
Thanks to codespyder in the Mirth Canal.
Before They Were Boob Jobs:
Apparently lesbian clubs aren't all kissing and naked pillow fights:
Hank hires a junkie. Hilarity ensues:
5 Superhero Scabs:
A screenshot from a show we can really get behind:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Pianos + Cats = How is this page not an internet meme, yet?
Submitted by Demha in the Mirth Canal.
Things doctors have learned from their patients:
Thanks to TheNerdyBee in the Mirth Canal.
Screw Rock Band, we want to do this:
The movies that are destroying America:
Probably the sweetest story on the Internet... ever:
17 WTF signs:
The rumors about an Apple tablet are becoming a reality:
Sexy milk commercials:
Karate practitioners less qualified than Daniel Larusso:
Jeri Lee shows off her exotic... sneakers:
11 Hilarious Strip Club Signs:
The best cat on the Internet:
Thanks to Sanchez in the Mirth Canal.
When celebrities fall on their rich asses:
How to sound smart even when you're blitzed:
Every G.I. Joe sketch from Robot Chicken:
Bad news for 80s kids. 5 Reasons Why GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra Will Suck
Make your own Kenyan birth certificate:
Thanks to Mongo in the Mirth Canal.
The formative years of the classic douchebag:
The five sexiest newspapers on the planet:
The bastardization of our childhood continues:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: A much too long entry about a town with six people living in it.
Submitted by Quagmar in the Mirth Canal.
Paper towels can do anything:
Thanks to Remington in the Mirth Canal.
The best boy band ever:
Apparently things are OK in England crime-wise if the police have nothing better to do than this:
31 totally rad pictures:
Top 10 Fantasy Retreats:
Hot girls doing body shots:
Alyssa makes our Frangedakis rise:
11 Photos of People Totally Ruined By Sex in the Background:
Find a McRib anywhere:
Thanks to Honest Abe in the Mirth Canal.
Guess the Celebrity Fatty:
Steve-O gives relationship advice:
8 Cartoons That Must Be Turned Into Films:
The greatest ad ever:
The rosters for the LFL are up... as are our pants:
When religion meets Internet memes:
And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: A disturbing behind-the-scenes look at Flipper.
Submitted by Local Penguin in the Mirth Canal.
Still have time to waste? Check out July's Top Picks.