If Everyone Had An Unlimited Advertising Budget

A retarded amount of the world's time and money is spent by corporations on advertising. Microsoft, Apple, Nike. We're bombarded with messages about these brands that are carefully crafted by Park Avenue ad agencies to tell you exactly what they want you to hear about them.
But what if you got to spend millions to tell the world exactly what you wanted them to hear. We asked you to show us what you'd do with Photoshop. The winner is below, but first the runners up ...
by GundamPanda
by Daedalus
by B.D.D.
by SeanGleeson
by Davoo
by beaner19
by Tim_Mixon
by B.D.D.
by ominousoat
by GarbageHaus
by blemm
Congrats blemm, you win money!
Want in on this?
You'll have another chance. Your theme is:
If the Whole World Turned Sarcastic.
Imagine a world where everything from road signs to furniture assembly instructions was written by a snarky douchebag. Photoshop the results, post them at the link above, you may win $50.
If you'd like to see our pick for the most baffling entry of the week, follow us on Twitter or for other entries that didn't make it, check here. And check out The Most Important Things Ever Thrown In The Trash. For pictures too strange to make up, but not too strange to make fun of, check out The Daily Craption Contest.