Danny DeVito Says He’s Been ‘Busting’ Ever Since He Became A Grandpa

Danny DeVito recommends that everyone should try being a grandpa. It’s better than a Caribbean Paradise.
On It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, family isn’t exactly a point of emphasis. Despite the fact that three of the five members of the Paddy’s Pub Gang share a last name, Dennis and Dee aren’t the most inseparable of twins, and what few fatherly instincts Frank once had disappeared the second he found out that his whoo-ur wife had the two bastards with Bruce Mathis. Thankfully, that un-familial feel of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia doesn’t extend to the show’s cast, all of whom have families, sometimes with each other — but not in the way Frank and Barbara thought Dennis and Dee were doing it.
At 80 years old, DeVito is a proud and elated grandfather, and he’s just bursting to tell everyone what pleasure it is to be a paterfamilias. In a recent talk with AARP: The Magazine, DeVito revealed that, after his two daughters each had a baby in the last two years, he’s so happy that, “I’m just like, you know, busting."
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Keep it light, Frank.
“Embrace the love and give the love,” DeVito declared, and he’s got a lot of love to give.
“In two years, my daughters have had a baby each, and since these babies have been born, you gotta tamper me down in the joy department,” DeVito ecstatically explained, though he advised AARP’s antsy readership against the common urge that people his age feel to push their own offspring too hard to make some grandchildren.
DeVito offered words of wisdom to the wizened retiree community, saying of his approach to fatherhood, “There’s that saying, a watched pot never boils. So I apply that to my kids. I look at them all the time, because I don’t want them to boil. I want them to take their time and grow.”
“I tell my kids that, too. Don’t miss a thing. Don’t look away. Because when you look back, that kid’s gonna be hula hooping,” DeVito said of his grandfatherly advice, reflecting, “No matter what happens in your life, the main thing is that you’ve got family and friends. That’s all we have, basically: reliable people in our lives who we can talk to and we can open up to. I’m very fortunate. Blessing showered down on me, and I wish it for everybody.”
That is, without a doubt, the most wholesome “blessing” that Frank has ever wanted to see “showered down” on anyone.