20 of the Worst Movies You’ve Never Heard Of

We all know the most infamously bad movies out there. Wikipedia keeps a running list of them. The whole gang is present and accounted for: Showgirls. The Room. Wait, That’s My Boy? Come on! That’s My Boy is funny! It’s got Alan Thicke in it! You guys are no fun.
But there are also lots of bad movies you’ve never heard of, probably because they suck so bad. Those are the movies Redditor Finnigan42 was looking for when they posted to r/Movies.
“My mom and I have an ongoing contest to see who can find the worst movie,” they wrote, and they’re far past the standard fare. The list of movies they’ve already seen includes The VelociPastor, Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny and Birdemic: Shock and Terror. “I’m in the lead after showing my mom Dorbees: Making Decisions, but I still want to top that,” they continued.
They then asked Reddit for “the worst movies you’ve ever seen or heard of?” and their fellow Redditors brought all kinds of awfulness to the table.


A Talking Cat!?!

The Day of the Dolphin

The Singing Forest

Reign in Darkness


Nothing But Trouble


The Suckling

Aunt Rose

Scotland, PA



Riding the Bus with My Sister

Simon Sez

The Thingy: Confessions of a Teenage Placenta

Cool Cat Saves the Kids


Love on a Leash