4 Celebrity Memoirs And Interviews (That Crapped On Their Crew And Co-Stars)

Celebrities, they’re just like us (jerks).
4 Celebrity Memoirs And Interviews (That Crapped On Their Crew And Co-Stars)

Being a famous actor can be a tough gig sometimes, hence why some of us deliberately eschewed a life of Hollywood glamor for a career in humorous internet musings. As most of us know, a not insignificant amount of creative collaborators don’t exactly hit it off while working on movies and TV shows – and while some behind-the-scenes friction remains a secret for all eternity, other times, celebrities have happily volunteered to crap all over their co-workers in interviews and memoirs, such as how …

It Turns Out Alan Rickman Wasn’t A Big Fan Of The Harry Potter Movies

The great Alan Rickman has played many memorable roles over the years, from Hans Gruber in Die Hard to the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves to himself in that video where he brews a cup of tea in slow motion for seven minutes straight.

But younger generations likely know Rickman best as Severus Snape, Hogwarts’ lovably cranky potions teacher/former fascist underling who probably should have been fired for abusing his students. Well, you know who wasn’t the biggest fan of the Harry Potter movies? Alan Rickman, apparently.

In his soon-to-be-published posthumous diary (which he okayed before his death, don’t worry), Rickman blasts many elements of the Potter productions; from the filmmakers’ storytelling ineptitude to the “hideous” John Williams score (oh, come on, Alan) to the talents of the young supporting actors – Rickman thought that Daniel Radcliffe might not “really an actor, but he will undoubtedly direct/produce” while Emma Watson’s “diction is this side of Albania at times.” 

He also apparently tried to quit the franchise multiple times, but the producers didn’t “want to hear it.” Which is probably why Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire didn’t co-star Jeremy Renner in a Chris Gaines wig as Snape.

Christopher Reeve Didn’t Think Much Of Marlon Brando’s Half-Assed Superman Performance

Despite the fact that most of 1978’s Superman is about, you know, Superman, the classic cinematic blockbuster movie didn’t give top billing to Christopher Reeve; instead, the first actor credited in the film was Marlon Brando, who was “paid $3.7 million and an amazing 11.75% backend” to don a pair of glow-in-the-dark pajamas and play Supes' dad, which resulted in “13 days work and less than 20 minutes onscreen.”

As we’ve mentioned before, despite receiving this small fortune, Brando wasn’t exactly committed to the role; he reportedly had to have his lines hidden on baby Kal-El’s diaper and, at one point, suggested that his character Jor-El should, rather than a human-like entity, instead be represented on screen as either a “suitcase” or a “bagel,” presumably while frantically scanning his surroundings, Usual Suspects-style, trying to come up with an alien design that would allow him to complete his entire performance from the comfort of a recording studio.

When Reeve went on the brand spanking new Late Night With David Letterman in 1982, Dave asked the star about Brando, and he didn’t hold back. While they only worked together for a few days, Reeve stated:  “I don't worship at the altar of Marlon Brando because I feel that he's copped out in a certain way,” adding that because the press praised him regardless of the quality of performance.”

Reeve further explained: “I just think it'd be sad to be 53 or whatever he is and not give a damn. That's all.” And yeah, if you got paid less than 12 times the amount of a co-worker who was literally reading crib notes off of a baby’s nappy, you’d probably feel the same way too. 

Brian Cox Criticized Succession Co-Star Jeremy Strong’s Method Acting (And Also Slammed A Bunch Of Random People)

In what is perhaps not all that surprising coming from a guy who once played Hannibal Lecter, Brian Cox has said some pretty brutal things in interviews. For starters, there are his comments about his Succession co-star Jeremy Strong’s intense method-esque acting approach; in a New Yorker profile on Strong, which was controversial for its “unflattering depiction of his method-style acting,” Cox stated: “​​I just worry about what he does to himself,” less charitably calling it “a particularly American disease … this inability to separate yourself off while you’re doing the job.” He underscored this opinion in another interview, claiming: "I don’t hold a lot of the American s**t, having to have a religious experience every time you play a part. It’s crap."

Even more gloriously surly is Cox’s recent memoir, Putting the Rabbit in the Hat, in which he randomly slams a laundry list of celebrities, including Edward Norton, with whom he appeared in Spike Lee’s 25th Hour, calling him a “Nice lad but a bit of a pain in the arse because he fancies himself as a writer-director.” 

He also said that Steven Seagal is “as ludicrous in real life as he appears on screen” and referred to Johnny Depp as “so overblown, so overrated,” adding that in Edward Scissorhands: “if you come on with hands like that and pale, scarred-face make-up, you don’t have to do anything. And he didn’t. And subsequently, he’s done even less.” But Cox did have some nice things to say about Keanu Reeves – because who the hell doesn’t?

Orson Welles Once Bragged About How Much He Hated Woody Allen

Before it was remade with more gritty realism (and more random trips to that icky Body Worlds exhibit), the first big screen version of Casino Royale was a goofy ‘60s comedy featuring both flying saucers and a scene where James Bond dresses up like Hitler. It wasn’t good.

The eclectic cast featured a variety of stars, including Peter Sellers and Dr. No star Ursula Andress – and also, weirdly, Orson Welles and Woody Allen. Years later, Welles was asked about Allen, his one-time co-star, and it turns out he friggin’ detested the guy. Which may have seemed odd in the early ‘80s, but like with Citizen Kane, Welles was just way ahead of his time. 

In an interview with his friend Henry Jaglom, Welles bluntly stated: “I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man.” When pushed, Welles went on to say that he “can hardly bear to talk to him” and Allen’s “particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge.”

Orson also rightly called out that Allen’s performative shyness was an act; that he “presents himself at his worst to get laughs” because “everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.” Moments later, Welles would go on to criticize Marlon Brando – but unlike Christopher Reeve, Welles’ biggest stumbling block was the size of Brando’s neck, which he compared to “a huge sausage” or “a shoe made of flesh.”

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