The Far-Right Siege of Congress -- As Told To The Tune of 'We Didn't Start The Fire'

We lit another fire ...
The Far-Right Siege of Congress -- As Told To The Tune of 'We Didn't Start The Fire'

Siege on Congress ...

Four dead, Georgian flag ...

Buffalo head ...

Some terrorists' tootsies on Nancy Pelosi's desk ...

Police selfies, "fraud" defender, event full of superspreaders ...

"Fake election," "fake election," really? You lost, bro. 

Antifa? No way. Neo-nazis, big day ...

Donnie got the Facebook boot, Dance Mom's Holly spittin' truth. 

Baked Alaska, vaccine, what does lockdown even mean?

Pipe Bombs? Zip ties? We're all screwed, say goodbye!

We lit another fire, 

One's been burning since the world's been turning but

We lit another fire, 

Poured gas in it and then asked who did it?

Proud Boys, hostage plan, Trump is wanted in Iran ... 

Alt-Right's D.C. field trip, Banana Republic ...

Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Republicans refuse to lose.... 

Mo Brooks is a P.O.S., let's invoke the 25th ...

Mike Pence, Axe spray ...

Jeffree Star boning Ye?

Trump's video "reprimand," Covid's closing Disneyland ... 

"Bigo was here, you bitch," this is not a Matrix glitch ... 

Senatorial anime, trouble in the USA!

We lit another fire,

One's been burning since the world's been burning but

We lit another fire, 

Poured gas in it and then asked who did it?

To watch Carly slowly lose her mind, follow her on Instagram @HuntressThompson and on Twitter @TennesAnyone

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