Cockroach Milk Smoothies & Other Weird Health News [IMAGES]

Here’s what’s good for you (or bad for you) this week.
Cockroach Milk Smoothies & Other Weird Health News [IMAGES]

With the news constantly pelting us like a t-shirt cannon filled with gremlins, it's sometimes easy to forget that health is a thing. Scientists are always researching health stuff and learning startling new things. Since we care about your health, we've decided to collect all the latest science bombs about what's good and bad for you this week and turn them into tasty, easy-to-digest memes.

A UNIVERSAL FLU VACCINE MIGHT JUST BE POSSIBLE. Flu vaccines need to be redesigned every year as viruses level up and change. But now researchers at S

Source: Time

Cockroach Milk Smoothies & Other Weird Health News

Source: CNN

NOW YOU CAN BUY CLOTHES THAT REPEL TICKS! A CDC study showed ticks either fell off or lost the ability to bite after coming into contact with the pret

Source: CBS News

AN INGREDIENT IN TOOTHPASTE IS BAD FOR YOUR GUT. Triclosan is an antibacterial found in toothpaste and other hygiene products. It might, however, be d

Source: PopSci

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