The 12 Most Insane Things Happening Right Now (10-11)

Some weeks the news cycle is like a runaway train made entirely out of clown cars.
The 12 Most Insane Things Happening Right Now (10-11)

Some weeks the news cycle is like a runaway train made entirely out of clown cars. No reasonable person can be expected to keep up with every headline while maintaining their sanity, so we have taken it upon ourselves to quickly summarize the most important and/or ridiculous news stories from the last week (or so).

Kim Kardashian robbed at gunpoint

Source: CNN, CNN

A Southwest airplane was grounded when a replacement Galaxy Note phone started smoking and popping

Source: USA Today

A Montana man survived two grizzly bear attacks in one day

Source: ABC News

ATM fees are at an all time high

Source: CNN

Pakistan passed a law to close legal loopholes on honor killings

Source: BBC News

4chan is struggling to pay its bills

Source: The Verge

An Arkansas woman caused a power outage when she climbed a tower to avoid an attacker

Source: ABC News

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