Next Year's Oscar Nominees (If the Strike Doesn't End)

Unlike network TV, the box office has survived the writer's strike just fine so far. But that's only because it takes longer to make a movie than a TV show, and it won't last forever.
If nothing gets resolved, what will next year's Oscar nominees look like? We offered a prize to whoever has the Photoshop skills to tell us. The winner is below, but first, the runners-up:
by evilkumquat
by Rubbin Hood
by peedsllab
by Sanchez
by Sanchez
by keithito
by Sanchez
(Hint: Google "candiru" if you're not familiar with it. Or better yet, don't).
by tayser
by Ryan
by Danger1
(Based on the hit desktop game).
by Maran
by MadPiper6
by fancytaco
And the winner is...
by Sanchez
Congrats, Sanchez. You win money.
Want in on this?
You'll have another chance. This week's Photoshop contest theme is:
Truthful Banner Ads.
What would internet ads look like in a world where absolute honesty and disclosure are required? You tell us, using your Photoshop skills. Post your entries here, in the forums. If you win, we'll give you money.
If you like to laugh, but hate to read, here are a few other articles full of pretty pictures for you.