200 Comics In Under 12 Hours

Every Saturday we ask some of the funniest people on the web to fill in for us. Our readers get to learn about an awesome site, and we get to finish giving our dog full-body cornrows. Today's guest column is from the cartoonist Nedroid, creator of one of our favorite comics on the web. He's also been known to lend his talents to Cracked articles when something awesome enough needs doing (say, we need to convey that George Washington is punching a cherry tree in half).
One day not long ago, someone challenged Nedroid to draw 200 three panel comics as fast as he could. Nedroid couldn't say no, due to a rare neurological disorder that prevents him from forming the word. The results were 600 panels of inspired, free association comedy, created in a few days (hey, we didn't say it was 12 hours in a row).

For many more comics that are more carefully drawn but no less hilarious, check out Nedroid.com.