Rare Deleted Scenes From Three Classic Movies

Today, buying or renting a DVD is as much about checking out deleted scenes as it is about watching the film itself. But, say, get this! There are some scenes deleted from films that don't even make the Deleted Scenes feature on DVDs. We here at CRACKED got our hands on some of these scenes...
Inspired by a mysterious voice that no one else can hear, Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) the son of a former minor league baseball player and a one-time high school stud himself, plows over his Iowa cornfield and builds a baseball diamond in its place. The neighbors are embarrassed and the bank lenders are concerned, but Ray's wife Annie (Amy Madigan) has stood by him. In this deleted deleted scene, which occurs early in the movie, Ray has nearly finished building his masterpiece.
Sunset. RAY and ANNIE stand in the dugout of their magic baseball field.
Look at that, Annie.
Isn't it beautiful?
It is. It's crazy and it's
stupid, but it's beautiful.
I just know that the voice
is leading me to something good.
I don't know what, but something
good will come of this.
TERRY MANN approaches to congratulate RAY. All three of them sit down and watch the field.
You did good, Ray.
RAY kisses ANNIE on the forehead.
I guess there's just one
last thing, and it's done.
Sweeping orchestral music begins. Shot of Ray walking down the porch steps toward the field. Cut to Ray, from behind, on one knee hammering a sign into the grassy area near home plate.
Orchestra music builds. Ray stands, takes a few steps back, proud. We see a sign: "WHITES ONLY- NO COLOREDS ALLOWED" and cut to TERRY's horrified, betrayed reaction.
Orchestra music reaches crescendo as camera pans out, leading to an aerial view of the field. Stadium lights turn on... the Field of Dreams is alive.
Producers felt Ray's latent racism could alienate some audience members.
Rudy Ruettiger is a small-town Indiana boy whose entire childhood has been filled with dreams of playing football for Notre Dame. After years of hard work and discipline, Rudy transfers to Notre Dame for his senior year of college. He walks on to the team but finds the going difficult: his coach thinks he's a runt, his teammates feel shown-up by his hard work, and his older brother finds the whole pipe dream absurd. But one man drives the determined Rudy on ?Fortune (Charles S. Dutton), the stadium groundskeeper who once let his own dream go, and who doesn't want Rudy to do the same.
We are on the Notre Dame field. Practice is long over, and Rudy is alone. Fortune walks by and sees him.
You OK, son?
Coach has it out for me.
He won't get off my ass!
It's like he's trying to
get me to quit.
Forget about Coach. You owe
this to yourself. You can't
listen to what other people
say... not even Coach.
Yeah, I know. You're right.
RUDY surreptitiously glances around, then reaches into his pocket. He is now holding something in his fist.
You been working here for a
long time, right, Fortune?
Yeah. Why?
Listen, I got cash right here.
What can you do for me in
the way of some juice?
Yeah, some juice. Some steroids.
Something that'll bulk me up just
a little bit for these last couple
months. They don't have to be the
greatest kind. I can deal with the
side effects.
I can't do that, son. You know better.
I just need a little something to
make me a little quicker, a little
stronger. Just something to give me
a bit of an edge against the other
guys. What do you say?
FORTUNE turns and begins to walk away.
That's cool. Can you put me in
touch with somebody who can help me
out? Can you do that for me?
Fortune! You said you'd be there
for me! Fortune?
Writer Angelo Pizzo thought this scene gave Rudy's character another dimension worthy of exploration, but Director David Anspaugh vetoed it, arguing it undercut Rudy's hard-work persona.
Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) is the new kid at a Southern California High School-and the school's karate bullies are giving him a hard time. After a day of particularly fierce taunting, LaRusso visits the apartment of Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita), a karate expert and the handyman of LaRusso's building.
DANIEL finds MR. MIYAGI in his workshop, and enters.
Mr. Miyagi, I need you to
teach me karate.
These guys
at school keep bullying me,
pushing me around.
MIYAGI pauses, then sits down. DANIEL sits as well.
No worry about other guys,
Daniel-san. Only worry about you.
That's what they tried to do
with Hitler, push him around,
and look what he did. He came back
and proved them all wrong.
That's what I want to do.
You know, in the beginning Hitler
wasn't all bad. Quite the contrary.
He just wanted to fix up Germany's
roads and hospitals, and help
the oppressed German people.
lot of ways, Hitler was a great man.
Daniel-san, you forget,
Hitler kill millions of Jews.
Oh, I know that, Mr. Miyagi.
He went a little overboard, sure.
But you have to admit he was onto
something with those inter-
nationalist Jew bankers. You know
they want to take over the world.
You know all that's true, unless
you're some sort of Jew lover.
You ain't a Jew lover, are you,
Mr. Miyagi?
DANIEL stands.
Danial-san, I teach you karate,
but no more talk of Hitler.
Oh, boy! Thanks Mr. Miyagi!
I won't let you down. I'll show
all those guys at school who the
real Fuhrer is.
DANIEL leaves the apartment with a sense of palpable excitement. END SCENE
The film's directors thought Daniel's march to the All-Valley Karate Championship would be less inspirational if he were wearing a swastika the whole time.