Thank you, R. Kelly, for continuing the alien madness.

Thank you, R. Kelly, for continuing the alien madness.

So, apparently, R. Kelly is still as fucked up as ever. He's released a series of sequels no-one has asked for to his already over-long, over-hyped, and over-wrought hip-hopera (his term), "Trapped in the Closet." And, as the aforelinked article states, he refers to the extended song series as (really) an "alien." When your big hit song features a gay priest, lesbian lovers, adultery, and a midget, it's already a parody of itself. (But that didn't stop "Weird Al" Yankovic from doing his own version anyway.) The most bizarre thing about this (d)opus (that's a portmanteau of "opus" and "dope" -- remember, you saw it here first, kids) is that people want to listen to it. The story is, in a word, reallyreallyfuckingstupid. And it's the same song over and over again. It's a sequence of now something like two dozen songs, and each one has an identical melody with slight lyric changes. My friends, we have allowed a probable child predator to profit off "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall."

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