Why The Black-Blue/White Gold Dress is Reality's Sorting Hat

We know it's old news already, but last week when that blue/black/white/gold dress tore the internet and countless marriages apart, it brought up a theme that we like to talk about a lot at Cracked: how our senses are about as trustworthy as Brian Williams' war memoirs.
No, it's true. We've even covered on the podcast before that your brain has as many nerves feeding information out to your eyes as your eyes have feeding information back. In other words, a lot of what you rely on as your vision is really just your brain filling in gaps because it's too lazy to do the rest of the work.
Co-hosts Jack O'Brien and Michael Swaim are joined this week by executive editor Jason Pargin (aka David Wong), and use the frenzy over 'the dress' to dive into a conversation about perception, consciousness and the harm of saying, "I'll believe it when I see it."
Throw on your headphones and click play above, go here to subscribe on iTunes, or download it here.