15 Performers Who Have An Achilles Heel

We're super fans of these performers, except for this one thing they just can't get right.
15 Performers Who Have An Achilles Heel

We are all horrible at something. Even the best of us make stupid mistakes; they just don't wind up being broadcast to thousands of people all over the world.

On the other hand, life is a never-ending stream of complaints about actors. A bad film performance may be just as memorable as a fantastic one, and no performer is exempt.

Whether it's seasoned veterans like Al Pacino or Robert DeNiro or future stars including Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy, the biggest stars have proven to be impressively capable of genuinely horrible performances.

Performing and acting looks like it’s simple, but it is not. Nothing demonstrates this more than watching a great performer fail miserably at something they should excel at. As a result, we asked our readers to name their favorite performers' most vexing flaws.

To be fair, performers aren't always to blame.  Plenty of the acts that we found in this article came in typically terrible movies, including actors let down by bad screenplays or bad filmmaking.

CRACKED.COM Sarah Michelle Gellar is a strong actor with a solid emotional range. She also has the Fakest. Laugh. Ever.
15 Performers Who Have An Achilles Heel
Christina Aguilera has a strong voice, but she can't actually sing in a high pitch without sounding like she's yelling. CRACKEDCON
In a tense confrontation scene, Harrison Ford always relies on angrily pointing. So he often ends up looking like a p*ssed-off dad scolding his kid, n
POS T NO D BILL LS Daniel Craig is a brilliant actor. But he can't do comedy. He's way too intense and it just comes off as unnatural.
Will Smith can't play a convincing villain. Smith has made a career out of being the good guylantihero. WINTER'S TALE The one time he tried to become
Colin Firth is an outstanding (very) British actor. Just don't ask him to do an American accent. Especially a Southern one.
Jim Carrey is an artist who is good at almost everything. But he is 0880 very bad at crying.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is the epitome of a CRACKED.COM badass action star. lb But he makes a distractingly awkward, half-moaned scream in every action

Kristen Bell

15 Performers Who Have An Achilles Heel
All right, all right, all right Matthew Mcconaughey is a great actor, but he just can't get rid of his Southern accent. You can hear it in almost all
15 Performers Who Have An Achilles Heel
15 Performers Who Have An Achilles Heel
CRACKED.COM Leonardo DiCaprio's angry face is not good. The Academy Award-winning actor can portray many emotions, except anger. His go-to move is to
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