15 Weirdo Things 2020 Managed To Cook Up (Part 1)

Oh, 2020, you weird one you.
15 Weirdo Things 2020 Managed To Cook Up  (Part 1)

Well folks, it’s been a year, and we’re not even talking about that bonkers virus roaming around, or the guy from Home Alone 2 telling people to drink bleach to protect them against that bonkers virus roaming around. Sigh. It’s been a year, so let’s recap Part One of the bizarre happenings that 2020 managed to cook up.

15 Of The Strangest Things 2020 Managed To Cook Up  (Part 1) - Poland accidentally invaded the Czech Republic. 
Apparently the misunderstanding came w
Source: NPR
15 Of The Strangest Things 2020 Managed To Cook Up  (Part 1) - It was finally determined - in a court of law, no less - that Subway bread isn’t bread.
Source: NPR
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