21 Movies And TV Shows That Got Details Exactly Wrong

Movies don't always get it right.
21 Movies And TV Shows That Got Details Exactly Wrong

We all know movies aren’t reality. Sure, most people have at least one friend in the group chat who was bitten by a radioactive spider, but that doesn’t mean Spider-Man is a documentary. Movies are fantasy, meant to look cool above all else. Sometimes, screenwriting requires shortcuts and yadda-yaddas so that the audience doesn’t get bored by excessive overexplaining. Sometimes, screenwriting requires making up something super rad that’s actually completely against the laws of physics. Even after the script is written, you might have a costume designer or special effects supervisor or a director who simply decides “nope, we’re doing it this way.”

So sure, we get it. Not every detail is going to be exactly right. Even the most faithful biopics (bio-pics? biOHpics?) are going to have their share of embellishments. However, we can't forgive movies that can't even bother to fix some easy-to-spot full-on nonsense errors that are right there in our faces.

21 Details That Movies And TV Shows Got Exactly Wrong - Andy escapes in the spring  of 1966, and that Raquel Welch film wasn't released in the U.S. un
Source: TCM
21 Details That Movies And TV Shows Got Exactly Wrong - Granny Smith apples didn’t 
exist until well over a century after Pirates of the Caribbean. Ne
Source: BBC
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