Social Media Trends As A Result Of All This

Never change, social media.
Social Media Trends As A Result Of All This

PSA: Be safe, stay home, and stay informed. -Ed

When a massive global crisis changes your life, you kind of don't have a lot of tools to deal with it. But one thing nearly everyone has, that lets them connect with others, or troll them, or try and make money off them, is a social media account.

The crisis has been making people use those in some pretty surprising ways. For example ...

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Social Media Trends As A Result Of All This
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by @francesco.degrazia on Instagram People are recreating famous art at home for Instagram. There have been tens of thousands of recreations SO far, f
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TikTok and Instagram are turning nurses and doctors into social media stars overnight. For example, Jason Campbell, a frontline doctor from Portland,
CRACKED COM Toilet Paper Eleganza Bedtime Couture Tik Tok is creating new drag sfyles. In a drag ball, performers dress for different categories. Tikt
CRACKED.COM 94978% 2:27 M zoom Meetings & Mobile Messcging Group Zoombombing could wreck your video call. Zoombombing is basically trolling Zoom meeti
CRACKEDOON by Aandreaaaaaalon on Instagram FLOTON Fauxcations are standing in for real trips. People are photoshopping themselves into vacations they
by @anny.vinooninstagram on The Rusllinatime world is with a viral dance challenge. The challenge? Doing the balcony dance in the music video for Cry
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