My Very Gonzo Life

A conversation with Dave Goelz, the man who for nearly 50 years has served as the voice and puppeteer of Gonzo — the pain-loving, dare-deviling, chicken-dating, Charles Dickens-impersonating, furry blue star of the Muppets

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Hidden Side Effects Of Having Famous Relatives

Hidden Side Effects Of Having Famous Relatives

Cracked pays people to make smart memes. Visit the Photoplasty and Pictofacts Workshop to get in on it.

It's got to be weird being related to a celebrity. That was our theory, anyway. So we asked our readers to find us first-person accounts from the relatives of famous folks describing the really bizarre things that happen to them specifically because of that relationship.

We looked them all over, picked our favorites, and paid cash to the winners. Then we begged our relatives to steer clear of the spotlight.

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